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Welcome back to your free course "How to Create Your Information Products!" It's time for lesson 7 - "How to Deliver Your Product".

You've set up your credit card payment system and your next challenge is to deliver the product to your new customer quickly and efficiently.

You know, the key of your success is automation. You can't achieve automation with manually delivering your product. You must aim to automate the delivery of your product for the following reasons:

  • Your customer has just made an impulse purchase and requires the instant gratification of being able to access your product there and then.
  • You don't want the trouble of having to provide the product manually each time when you make a sale.
  • You can't check email for orders when you sleep or are away from home.

No serious Internet based business uses manual fulfillment system for product delivery. It is the automation that allows you to take full advantage of the Internet and to enjoy quick and unlimited growing.

From the previous lessons you know you need to set up a product page where customers can download your product. Both ClickBank and PayPal provide some very straightforward code to allow you to send your customer to a download page immediately as their credit card is cleared.

With PayPal, the link of your product page is in your website, so you need to use Paypal Encoder for protection of your link. (Paypal Encoder comes with the ebook "Cash Your Knowledge".)

With ClickBank, the link of your product page is located in your ClickBank administration area, so it is kept safely.

Here's the two-step procedure of your product delivery:

  • As soon as their credit card is cleared, your customers will be sent to your product page to download your ePackage.
  • Once your customers complete downloading your ePackage, your product delivery is done.

The procedure is so simple that you've actually accomplished delivery automation by allowing your customers to download the product they've just purchased. It's easy, quick, and trouble-free.

Since your ePackage, including your ebook and bonuses, is in electronic format, you have no problem uploading it to your web server for customers to download. To upload your ePackage to your server, you can either use your browser to connect to the server and upload, or use an FTP tool to make the uploading work easier and quicker.

There are so many FTP tools on the market that you can choose from. If you currently don't have one, I'd like to recommend you a free version of CuteFTP that you can use as much as you want. Here's link where you can get one: http://www.cuteftp.com/downloads/cuteftp.asp

I've been using the free CuteFTP for quite a while. Although I've never purchased it, this free version is actually more than enough for my uploading work and I've never had any problem with it.

And CuteFTP is easy to use, too. There is a complete demonstration of using it in the ebook "Cash Your Knowledge".

* Make your product page name hard to guess

How are you going to name your product page? How about "product_download_page.html"? That's a big mistake!

Why? Because such name is so easy to guess. So are names like "download.html", "product.html", "epackage.html", "ebook.html", "thankyou.html", "resume_writing.html" (for Jonathan's website), "act_strategy.html" (for John's website)...etc.

If someone can guess your page name, he/she can and will steal from you. So, do make your page name hard to guess, such as "fapercdoelaqrf.html".

* Tell search engines not to index your product page

Over time search engines will visit your site and index not only your home page, but also those deeper into your website. The process is called "spidering" your website. If you do nothing to stop these search engine "spiders" from crawling over your product page, then you won't be the first eProduct owner to be surprised to find that Google is listing your product page in their search engine so everyone can enter it and download your product.

Fortunately spiders will respect your request for them NOT TO index certain pages. There's an easy way to do. Just put the following simple Meta tags in the <head> section of your product page:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

The term "noindex" is to tell search engines not to index your product page.

I can't say enough about protecting your product page, or protecting your hard work!

* Split your product page into two pages

Well, you realize that the product page is the core of your automatic product delivery. Now let's talk more about the product page.

In the previous lesson "How to automate your marketing work", you've set up a second autoresponder specifically for your customers. Your plan is this:

- After a customer has purchased your product, you start to send him/her emails through your second autoresponder.

To accomplish this plan, you must know his/her email address and name.

PayPal and ClickBank always send you Order Confirmation emails that contain paid customers' emails and names. Of course, you can manually add those emails and names in your autoresponder. Technically it works, but strategically it's a bad idea!

How come?

Well, just imagine this... Your daily sales are 100 copies. Then you have to copy/paste 100 emails and 100 names every day. That probably would consume you 200 minutes on a daily basis. Not hard work though, you still don't want to do it.

Remember the key of your online business is automation? When I say "automation", I mean "totally automation". Once you set up the business, there shouldn't be ANY manual work!

Here's an easy way to avoid manually adding customers' emails/names to your autoresponder, which is to split your product page into two pages - an info-collecting page and a download page.

From the names you can tell that:

  • The task of the "info-collecting page" is to collect paid customers' emails and names.
  • The "download page" is actually the real place for paid customers to download your ePackage.

With the great features of FreeAutobot, you can make the two pages work together perfectly!

* Your info-collection page is a form

From the previous lesson "How to automate your marketing work", you know that FreeAutobot allows you to put a info-collecting form on your web page. Upon submitting the form, customers will be starting to receive emails from your autoresponder. So your info-collection page will actually be a form to collect customers' emails and names.

You also know how to modify FreeAutobot's standard form and turn it into your own form. Here's how Jonathan uses two techniques for his form:

  • He uses additional bonuses as incentive to invite customers to submit their names and emails.
  • He provides an option of downloading his ePackage without submitting names and emails. However, this option doesn't have the additional bonuses.

Smart move! As a matter of fact, nearly 100% customers wanted the additional bonuses and therefore submitted their names and emails.

Providing additional bonuses after sales is very important in reducing refund requests. I'll cover more about this strategy in next lesson "Minimize Refund".

* Your download page is the real place for downloading product

Your download page will be very easy for you to create with HTML Editor as it will be a very simple page with the only purpose of holding your product links. (The HTML Editor comes with the ebook "Cash Your Knowledge".)

The important thing is that the product links on the page must be correct because you don't want to hear customers' complaints about not being able to download your product they have paid for. After you've created the download page, you'd better double or triple check the links to make sure they are alive. Whenever you modify the download page, you'd better check the links again and make sure they stay alive.

* Protect your form and download page

Now you have two pages to protect, and you already know how to protect them. Still I want to list your protection techniques because I just can't say enough about protecting your hard work.

  • Use Paypal Encoder to encrypt the PayPal code.
  • Make your page names hard to guess.
  • Tell search engines not to index your form and download page.

Up to this point, all the techical stuff covered in this lesson may seem confusing to you. Don't worry about it! The ebook "Cash Your Knowledge" explains everything with examples and graphic demonstration. My strong recommendation is to get a copy of the ebook at the Website:


Now we've dealt with the most technical details regarding delivering your product. We'll move on to lesson 8 "How to Minimize Refund Requests".

See you in two days.


Martin Johnston, President

(c) Cash Your Knowledge

El retorno de la inversión en entrenamiento ejecutivo de equipos gerenciales es exponencial y en minutos. Norman Vincent Peale.
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