Blog From: Pablo G Paez To: Eric CK Chan Dear Eric I hope everything is allright in your life, I send you my best wishes. Twelve years ago, when I was enjoying your lecture, during IPTM-2003 at LIfe Academy in Karlstad, I grab an idea from you. I remember your small book about tips, motivational stories and nice concepts. I thaught, it is a good idea, to write a book about same topics, so I started to collect interesting information about leadership, motivation and top level management, that you can not find in a book. By 2003, I decided to leave the last company which I was working for, and decided to start my own company. After a research about my strenghts I found that I have very good communication skills, and I am able to transmit my experience, so I went in Top level training for companies, so I started to develop some educational programs directed to management teams. After almost 12 years in the market, I have had 160 satisfied customers in 11 countries, a campus about 10.000 sq meters with 3.000 sq meters building. One of my marketing tools, that I have been using permanently is a portal about management called (the biggest management portal), which started with your idea, moving to a book and then to a web site, finishing in a portal. It has nowadays: + 50 Publications about Management from my people / + 1,000 contribution pages. + 3.000 Management Tips / + 100 hours of continuous reading. + 2.000 Managerial Presentations / + 6000 slides. + 1.000 Documents (white papers) about Management, / + 2,000 pages. + 3.000 Videos about Management / + 700 hours of video. + 100 Training programs in 25 industries + 100 Training Programs On line available 7 * 24 * 365 + 150 Menu options + 5.000 Posts + 500 Audios + 50,000 pictures + 36,000 web pages + 60,000 files Foro Employment Community + 25 million visitors since its publication in 2014. + 100 Thousand visitors in one day. + 2.000 visitors at a time + 10.000 shared themes. Using google translate technology, is available in 81 languages. I am very proud about what I have done, and I would like to share with you, that were my mentor on it. My respect and gratitude ... Thank you so much Eric, and Life Academy ... Regards, Pablo From: Eric CK Chan To: Pablo G Paez Dear Pablo, Delighted to hear from you. Greetings from London. Thanks for sharing. I am humbled that the cultivation of seeds of possibilities has borne fruit from the root of the human connectivity of Life Academy. Like the scholar C. Otto Scharmer said that we are going into a period defined by dynamic complexity. In Scharmer's words, a distance between cause and effect characterizes dynamic complexity and as a consequence it is no longer enough to learn from the past; we need to start learning from the future as it emerges. Like one of the things I learnt in Life Academy was the complex adaptive systems thinking; in order to maneuver, one needs to probe the system, observe, learn and then act... this is what you have done... 'There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that once unleashed, can make any dream, vision or desire a reality. My life's quest has been to awaken this force and help each of us to remember and use the unlimited power that resides within us all' - this quote (which I uses all the time from Anthony Robbins) truly depicts what truly happened... The FORCE within you has been awaken...the unlimited power has been have touched the lives of many through your work to share, influence, change, realisation and the ripple effect - contributing to making a difference..... Great job and keep it up...the power of networks...and the web of inter connectivity...carpe diem, Best Regards Eric El retorno de la inversión en entrenamiento ejecutivo de equipos gerenciales es exponencial y en minutos. Norman Vincent Peale. Te gustó? Compártelo ! Tweet Whatsapp Prev Next