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Welcome back to your free course "How to Create Your Information Products!" It's time for lesson 6 - "How to Handle Your Payment Collection".

You are running an online business, and therefore you simply have no other choices but to accept credit card payments online. Conventionally it has been hard work to set up what's known as an online merchant account. The barriers to entry were set quite high including credit check and a large application fee.

Fortunately competition in the market-place has simplified the process and now there are Online Credit Card Processing Services you can use for selling eProduct. Two very popular options are PayPal (https://www.paypal.com) and ClickBank (http://www.clickbank.com). I've personally tried both and they both are great choices.

* PayPal is reliable and easy to use

PayPal is reliable and extremely user-friendly. You choose PayPal mainly because of the following advantages:

  • PayPal allows you to sell your product through your website.
  • PayPal doesn't charge set-up or monthly fees.
  • PayPal charges very low transaction fees.
  • PayPal allows you to withdraw money instantly.
  • PayPal is convenient for many of your customers to make payment because they keep a balance on their own PayPal accounts.

Among PayPal's advantages, the one I like best is the instant fund withdraw - you don't have to wait to actually get the money you just earned into your own bank account.

Here's the four-step procedure of your sales and how PayPal plays its role in it:

  1. You use the code PayPal generates for your "Buy Now" button.
  2. Your customer clicks "Buy Now" and is sent to PayPal's credit card processing page.
  3. The customer fills in his/her credit card information there, submits the form, and is sent to your product page to download your product. You actually specify the location of your product page that you'd like your customer to be sent to once his/her credit card has been cleared.
  4. PayPal deposits the payment minus transaction fee in your PayPal account.

That's it! The entire sales procedure is so straightforward and requires only a few minutes to complete. Paypal is an excellent choice as your credit card processor, or probably the only choice if you also accept other currencies - Canadian Dollars, Euros, Pounds Sterling, or Japanese Yen.

The only possible disadvantage of using PayPal is that the PayPal code (see the sample code above) is visible to everybody.

By seeing the PayPal code, people immediately know where your product page is located. They can directly enter your product page, which means that they can download your product without paying you money. So, they actually can steal from you!

* Protect your PayPal link!

As you can guess, there are ways to overcome this disadvantage. The easiest way is to encrypt the PayPal code.

Paypal Encoder is designed to encrypt the PayPal code. It turns the PayPal code into something not readable.

Of course your customer's browser has no problem understanding the code, though the code is not readable to would-be thieves.

PayPal Encoder is so easy to use. All you need to do is seven simple steps to create your PayPal payment button.

When you get the ebook "Cash Your Knowledge", you get the PayPal Encoder, too.       

Now let's talk about another popular credit card processing service

ClickBank. ClickBank also specializes in the type of online business that you are setting up.There're two disadvantages of using ClickBank:

  • ClickBank charges $49.99 setup fee and 7.5% + $1 per sale, compared with PayPal's $0 setup fee and 2.2% + $0.3 per sale.
  • The sale to payment period is long, compared with PayPal's instant fund withdraw. With ClickBank you have to wait weeks to actually get the money you just earned into your own bank account.

Now the advantage...

- ClickBank gives you affiliate benefit.  If you choose ClickBank as your credit card merchant then they will become your affiliate program partners, and will run the program for you so that you don't need to do administration work. That's the only advantage of using ClickBank, and it's a big advantage.

One of the ways you can increase your sales figures is to set up an affiliate program - let other people sell your product in return for commission. For ClickBank members this process is completely automatic using their referral tracking system. So the affiliate benefit ClickBank offers is hard to beat.

With ClickBank, you can also recruit new affiliates to promote your product. You'll find out the details about setting up ClickBank's affiliate program in the ebook "Cash Your Knowledge".

Setting up your ClickBank account is not hard at all except that you have to pay $49.99 to activate your account.

And your sales procedure with ClickBank is similar to yours with PayPal:

  • Your use the code ClickBank provides you as your sales link.
  • Your customer clicks "Buy it at ClickBank" and is sent to ClickBank's credit card processing page.
  • The customer fills in his/her credit card information there, makes the payment, and is sent to the "Thank You" page - your product page for downloading product.
  • ClickBanks deposits the payment minus transaction fee in your account.

The following is a quick comparison between PayPal and ClickBank:

  • Set Up Fee - 0 versus $49.99
  • Transaction Fee - 2.2% + $0.3 versus 7.5% + $1
  • Fund Withdraw - Instant versus Slow
  • Affiliate Benefit - No versus yes
  • Service Quality - both excellent

So, use PayPal or use ClickBank?

I say both.

You use PayPal because it's free to set up and cheap to use. You use ClickBank because of its affiliate benefit. It doesn't hurt to use both at the same time.

Some customers prefer to pay through PayPal, and some prefer ClickBank.

Put both buttons on your website and let your customers make the choice!

* Make people feel comfortable with paying online

Paying through PayPal or ClickBank is very safe. Unfortunately not everyone feels confident about that statement. To gain their orders, you must gain their confidence about paying online. Here're the things you MUST do:

  • Provide genuine testimonials on your website so people know you are reputable business.
  • Have a physical address on your website so people know your business is not some kind of scam.
  • Show a phone and fax number on your website so people know they can talk to you if they need to.
  • Put your email address clearly near the ordering link (at the bottom of the page) inviting people to email you in case of any doubt.
  • Point out that their credit card will be securely processed (SSL).
  • Whenever people ask a question, give them a prompt response!

In the ebook "Cash Your Knowledge", I'll teach you how exactly you should set up PayPal and ClickBank accounts as your credit card collection system and affiliate program. You can get a copy of the ebook at the Website: http://www.cashknowledge.com.

I'll be back in two days with lesson 7 "How to Deliver Your Product".


Martin Johnston, President
(c) Cash Your Knowledge

El retorno de la inversión en entrenamiento ejecutivo de equipos gerenciales es exponencial y en minutos. Norman Vincent Peale.
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