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Welcome back to your free course "How to Create Your Information Products!" It's time for lesson 8 - "How to Minimize Refund Requests".

No matter how you hate being asked for refund, you can't avoid it. You have to accept the fact that people sometimes will request a refund from you. This happens no matter how brilliantly you've crafted your eProduct or no matter how outstanding the value provided for the money paid.

This happens for two reasons:

  • You've failed to meet your customers' expectations.
  • Someone is deliberately taking advantage of your money-back guarantee.

You offered a money-back guarantee and now you simply must honor it and honor it quickly.

The good news is that there are techniques you can use to minimize your refund rate. Those techniques have helped me reduce my refund rate to 1%, which is incredibly low. And both John's and Jonathan's refund rates are below 2%.

* Beat customers' expectations

In the earlier lessons I repeatedly mentioned the importance of bonuses. Bonuses help close sales. They also help reduce refund rate.

Remember Jonathan's info-collecting form?

Jonathan uses two additional bonuses as incentive to invite customers to submit their names and emails. The additional bonuses place another important role - to beat customers' expectations!

Here's how John does it...

Customers purchased John's product because they believed that the product was worth the price. At the time of payment, they expected to receive the following:

  • The ebook "Winning Strategies of ACT Test"
  • Bonus #1 - Report "Choose between SAT and ACT"
  • Bonus #2 - Report "How to Apply for Financial Aid"
  • Bonus #3 - A full-length Simulated ACT Test

Immediately after payment, they received the first email sent through John's "customer only" autoresponder, like this:

Hi Emily,
Thanks for picking up a copy of my ACT Strategies ePackage.
I'm excited that you've started to improve your testing skills.
As a special surprise thank you bonus, just for purchasing the ACT Strategies, I've created you two additional bonuses that are equally helpful to your test success:

Your Bonus #4 - One-month unlimited online practice of the ACT
Your Bonus #5 - Personal account to track practice progress

You will be able to perform the following exercises on an unlimited basis for one month:

  • Practice the ACT by question types to improve your performance on your weak areas.
  • Take full-length simulated exams as many times as you want.
  • Check your score report after each exercise, so that you can see how you would perform on the actual exam.
  • Review your exercise result including correct answers and solutions, etc.
  • Track your exercise history to see your practice progress.

To activate your account and start practicing ACT, please go to


And login with the following access code I specially created for you:

Email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Password: emilyl***

I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback and stories of your successful ACT test.


John Surrey
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So, the customers went further receiving two extra bonuses which are equally helpful to them:

  • Bonus #4 - One-month unlimited online practice of the ACT
  • Bonus #5 - One-month personal account to track practice progress

What a nice surprise!                But John doesn't even stop there. Two days later, the customers are in touch again (of course through autoresponder).

This time, John offers them the sixth bonus - a full-length simulated SAT test with score report, so they can take both tests and decide which they are better on - ACT or SAT. Here's part of his email:


I've personally created you the special bonus as my sincere thank-you for purchasing my ePackage:

  • Your Bonus #6 - A full-length simulated SAT test with score report.

To take the full-length simulated SAT test, please go to:

http://www.actsatprep.com/login.asp And login with the following access code I specially created for you:

The customers have received six bonuses altogether, compared with three bonuses John promised in his sales letter. This is way beyond their expectations. With such nice bonuses, extremely few customers would ask for refund!

For your business, my recommendation is this...

Try to save up two or three bonuses for the "after-sales" period. If you really can't come up with this many, then consider dividing up your ebook (see the previous lesson "Package Up Your Product").

* Don't push the refund in your guarantee

Another technique to minimize refund requests is to offer a "reasonable" period to exercise the refund option in your sales letter guarantee.

John offers plenty of time for customers to make up their mind - "60 days after the ACT exam". The point is not to box them into too shorter a time frame.

I recommend 60-day guarantee. Here's my thinking...

If you offer a 15-day guarantee, then the pressure will be on. Most of us are busy and finding time to sit down with your product may not be high on their agenda. But now they know they have to make a decision quick and, if after a week they haven't got round to checking your product out, they may remember to get a refund now, rather than running out of time.

I feel the same way about a 30-day guarantee. Your customer will be reminded of their purchase by their credit card bill and may then quite naturally check to see how long they've got before their guarantee expires. By ensuring that it is at least another month away, you remove that pressure from your customer.

Some people go further and provide a year guarantee or even a lifetime return it guarantee. For me that's going a little too far. I want to know that at some point my responsibility to offer a refund has expired.

Otherwise I might have to sell my new house, car, yacht or plane to cover a sudden flux of refunds.

Now let's see what you've done so far. You've completed the following:

  • ePackage (main ebook + bonuses)
  • Sales letter (website)
  • Payment collection system (PayPal & ClickBank)
  • Delivery system (FTP tool, info-collecting form, product download page, etc.)
  • Marketing system (mini-course, autoresponders, exit-pop page, etc.)

You may be feeling your work is over.

It's not! There's still one major task you have to fulfill - marketing.

To find out immediately how you can conduct your marketing job, get a copy of my ebook "Cash Your Knowledge" through the Website: http://www.cashknowledge.com.

I'll be back in two days with lesson 9 "How to increase your sales force with affiliate program".


Martin Johnston, President
(c) Cash Your Knowledge

El retorno de la inversión en entrenamiento ejecutivo de equipos gerenciales es exponencial y en minutos. Norman Vincent Peale.
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