Como crear sus productos de Información. 06 (Inglés) Tips Negocios Productos Welcome back to your free course "How to Create Your Information Products!" It's time for lesson 5 - "How to Automate Your Marketing Work".You've got your ePackage ready for sale and your website is also up online, which moves you to the next important thing - your online business procedure. Literally speaking, your business procedure will consist of three steps: Look for customers Collect payment Deliver product That sounds like a lot work to do. It is, and it sounds like a lot of money to spend, too.But wait... that's not the picture for your business. You suppose to make money while you sleep!Fortunately, with computer and the Internet, you CAN make money while you sleep. The key is AUTOMATION.The difference between your business and conventional business is that yours is handled electronically while the conventional one is handled manually. So, here's the picture for your business: Autoresponders do the marketing Online services collect the payment for you Customers download your product. You see, your computer and the Internet do everything for you automatically, so you can go ahead sleep while your bank account grows. That's the beauty of your business.Let's talk about autoresponders in this lesson.A visitor sends an email to a specific address or fills out a form on your website... And boom! An instant email reply is shot right away.That's what most typical autoresponders do. An autoresponder is an e-mail program located on a mail server, set up with single or multiple pre-programmed messages. It is designed to automatically send a pre-programmed message back to the person requesting e-mail be sent to him/her from the autoresponder's e-mail address. It's also known as mailbot, automatic email and email on demand.The basic autoresponder was capable of sending back an immediate response, but it wasn't long before autoresponders were being programmed to do an awful lot more. The autoresponders are now capable of sending a series of pre-programmed messages, rather than just a one-off email response. For example, your autoresponder can send three separate parts of your mini-course to subscribers in three different days.The idea of being able to automate your business to such an extent that emails will be dispatched on your behalf to prospective buyers while you sleep was so great. And this is precisely how a series of messages pre-programmed into a good autoresponder works.I've just used three whole paragraphs recommending autoresponders to you. I've done this for one obvious reason - autoresponders play the key role in automating your online business. In another word, with the help of autoresponders, you can literally make money while you sleep.Your prospects and customers can be sold to in your sleep! And because the internet is a global resource, I always find that whilst I've been asleep, my autoresponders have been hard at work around the globe, and in the morning I've made a number of new sales. Very nice for a nights work!How exactly are you going to use autoresponders? Let me first streamline how you're going to handle your mini-course: A visitor comes to your website. He/she reads your sales letter but decides not to buy at that time. As he/she leaves your website, an exit-pop appears and invites him/her to subscribe to your mini-course. As he/she subscribes to your mini-course, your autoresponder emails him/her the first part of your mini-course. Your autoresponder keeps contacting him/her by sending the remaining parts of your mini-course and your Ezine (e-maganize or newsletter) as he/she is promised. You see from the above that your autoresponder is used for delivering your mini-course.* Your mini-course has only one purpose - to sell your productYou create you mini-course by providing some free hints and tips, or rather some free education about your subject matter and giving it away. Your mini-course can also be excerpt of a few parts (e.g. three parts) of your ebook.However, you shouldn't be giving away too much or getting into excessive detail, otherwise you'll remove the purpose of someone actually purchasing your product.When you send your mini-course, keep this in mine: your mini-course has only one purpose, to sell copies of your product. The point is that you must promote your product in your mini-course email. You must provide your website URL so that your prospect can click it and go back to the website to purchase.When someone signs up to your mini-course, try to make it clear that they will hear from you again at a later stage. This is easily done if you've had someone signup via an exit-pop window on your site.Once your three part mini-course is over, this should not be the last time your prospect hears from you. Remember I said you must hook him/her up? If you don't, he/she will be gone and you'll lose the opportunity of selling him/her your product or something else. So, even if he/she hasn't purchased, you've just collected a potentially invaluable resource - his/her email address and agreement to receive emails from you!So, after your mini-course is over, you should have at least two more attempts to attract him/her to purchase your product. You'll write two emails explaining some detail of how your product could benefit your prospective customers. Of course the two emails are also pre-programmed and sent by your autoresponder respectively three days and six days later. If he/she still hasn't purchased your product, you'll follow up with one last email pushing a final benefit of your product about 5 days later (any sooner and you'll start to bug your prospective buyer). Now if by this stage your still haven't sold your product to this individual then it may be that: He/she doesn't need your product right now. He/she still has doubts about your product. He/she doesn't have enough cash to buy your product. In any of the three cases, you can go ahead putting him/her in your Ezine list so that you let him/her know more about your product or try to sell him/her something else.Make sure that you include a note saying that once the mini-series is complete your prospects will be automatically subscribed to your Ezine.At this stage you promise an Ezine with useful information relating to your product area. So now is the time to come good on that promise. To fulfill your promise, you can write articles based around your product subject area and distribute them to your prospects. In your articles, you should continuously promote your product, though not as aggressively as in your sales letter and mini-course. Chances are, a noticeable percentage of your prospects may eventually buy your product after reading a few of your articles.All you need to do is plugging the articles (usually around 500 words each article) you've written into your autoresponder. The more articles you can come up with, the longer your Ezine program will last. Your autoresponder will automatically send them out one by one, a few days apart.* Your Ezine list is invaluable to youIf you think that your Ezine list contains a bunch of people who don't need your product right now and therefore doesn't have much value to you, then think it again. Just imagine that you own a list of 50,000 emails (opt-in list). The beauty is that all the 50,000 real people are willing to hear from you again and again. What can you do about it? You can make more money from it!Here are some tips for starters: You can sell them your other products. You can sell them your affiliate products. You can ask them to join your affiliate program (The topic "Affiliate Program" is covered in the ebook "Cash Your Knowledge"). So you see, your Ezine list is actually a gold mine for you. And you can build up your Ezine list through your online marketing work.Now let's move back to autoresponders.So you know that your autoresponder is used to distribute your mini-course and Ezine for marketing purpose. What about your customers who have already bought your product?* You need a second autoresponder for your customersCustomers deserve special treatment because they are the ones who've actually put their hands in their pockets and purchased your product. In addition, they are also the ones who are most likely to purchase your other products or pay attention to your recommendations. In short, your existing customer base will become an over increasingly valuable asset for you and you must keep in touch with these important people. You need a second autoresponder to aim at them.Here's Jonathan's approach for his ePackage "Perfect Resume Writing"...Immediately on purchase, he sends a simple message to his customer through his "customer only" autoresponder, like this: ===============================Martin,Thanks for picking up a copy of my Resume Writing ePackage.I'm excited that you've started to improve your resume writing skills.This email is just to let you know that I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback and stories of your successful job hunting!All the best,Jonathan YehEsta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.===============================Jonathan's purpose here is to spark off the customer autoresponder series by providing some positive feedback to his customers. He lets them know that he's here if they need any assistance. It's a friendly opening email.The next day he sends his customers an email through this "customer only" autoresponder and includes a completely unadvertised bonus. He wants his customers to be absolutely over the moon with their purchase and he's going to provide them with more than they realized they are getting when they chose to purchase the product. You'll find out more about the strategy of "giving extra bonus" in the ebook "Cash Your Knowledge".Then a week later he uses this autoresponder to send his customers special "customer only" discounted pricing on another product of his - How to Keep Your Job.Now you see how Jonathan uses this autoresponder for his customers.Since his customers have probably already signed themselves up to his mini-series, they are probably receiving all the regular emails from the first autoresponder of his.You'll find out more about the techniques of setting up the "Customer Only" autoresponder system in the ebook "Cash Your Knowledge".Now let's get to the last question I know you want to ask minutes ago - how much the autoresponder service is going to cost you.Zero. You hardly need to spend money to make money, and that's the real beauty of your online business.Here's what you do...Go to, search for the term "Free Autoresponder", and you'll get a list of free autoresponder services there. Pick some and try them out. Choose the one without advertisement on the top of your message.* Avoid free autoresponders with ad at the top of your messageSome free autoresponders place ugly and distracting commercials for other people's products right at the top of your message. I strongly recommend against using them, as it completely waters down your marketing purpose. I'm using FreeAutobot for my products. It's a free autoresponder that does not place anyone else's ad in the message. It has all the features you need for your online business. If you haven't found a better one, I suggest you give FreeAutobot a try.Again, you should know the fact that autoresponders play the key role in automating your online business.This lesson is only an outline of autoresponders so it may seem a little confusing to you, but the ebook "Cash Your Knowledge" covers all the details of how you can use autoresponders to automate your business. You can get a copy at the Website: I'll be back in two days with lesson 6 "How to Handle Your Payment Collection".Sincerely, Martin Johnston, President(c) Cash Your Knowledge El retorno de la inversión en entrenamiento ejecutivo de equipos gerenciales es exponencial y en minutos. Norman Vincent Peale. Te gustó? Compártelo ! Tweet Whatsapp Anterior Siguiente